Cómo mostrar un mensaje de ventana popup después de completar el crucigrama - JS

He editado este rompecabezas como quiero pero necesito mostrar un mensaje después de completar el crucigrama. ¿Hay alguna manera de hacer eso? Cualquier comentario amable cálida bienvenida.

Aquí está el enlace GitHub... https://github.com/jweisbeck/Crossword

Aquí principalmente activoPosición y activo ClueIndex son los principales vars que establecen la interfaz de usuario cuando hay una interacción. todo funcionó como x, y coordenadas. ¿Hay alguna manera de añadir ese mensaje?

Aquí está la función ganadora de comprobación

                - Checks current entry input group value against answer
                - If not complete, auto-selects next input for user
            checkAnswer: function(e) {
                var valToCheck, currVal;
                valToCheck = puzz.data[activePosition].answer.toLowerCase();

                currVal = $('.position-' + activePosition + ' input')
                    .map(function() {
                        return $(this)
                //console.log(currVal + " " + valToCheck);
                if(valToCheck === currVal){ 

                    solvedToggle = true;
                currOri === 'across' ? nav.nextPrevNav(e, 39) : nav.nextPrevNav(e, 40);
                //console.log('checkAnswer() solvedToggle: '+solvedToggle);


        }; // end puzInit object

Aquí está el código completo

var puzz = {}; // put data array in object literal to namespace it into safety
        puzz.data = entryData;
        // append clues markup after puzzle wrapper div
        // This should be moved into a configuration object



      '); // initialize some variables var tbl = [''], puzzEl = this, clues = $('#puzzle-clues'), clueLiEls, coords, entryCount = puzz.data.length, entries = [], rows = [], cols = [], solved = [], tabindex, $actives, activePosition = 0, activeClueIndex = 0, currOri, targetInput, mode = 'interacting', solvedToggle = false, z = 0; var puzInit = { init: function() { currOri = 'across'; // app's init orientation could move to config object // Reorder the problems array ascending by POSITION puzz.data.sort(function(a,b) { return a.position - b.position; }); // Set keyup handlers for the 'entry' inputs that will be added presently puzzEl.delegate('input', 'keyup', function(e){ mode = 'interacting'; // need to figure out orientation up front, before we attempt to highlight an entry switch(e.which) { case 39: case 37: currOri = 'across'; break; case 38: case 40: currOri = 'down'; break; default: break; } if ( e.keyCode === 9) { return false; } else if ( e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 39 || e.keyCode === 40 || e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46 ) { if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) { currOri === 'across' ? nav.nextPrevNav(e, 37) : nav.nextPrevNav(e, 38); } else { nav.nextPrevNav(e); } e.preventDefault(); return false; } else { console.log('input keyup: '+solvedToggle); puzInit.checkAnswer(e); } e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // tab navigation handler setup puzzEl.delegate('input', 'keydown', function(e) { if ( e.keyCode === 9) { mode = "setting ui"; if (solvedToggle) solvedToggle = false; //puzInit.checkAnswer(e) nav.updateByEntry(e); } else { return true; } e.preventDefault(); }); // tab navigation handler setup puzzEl.delegate('input', 'click', function(e) { mode = "setting ui"; if (solvedToggle) solvedToggle = false; console.log('input click: '+solvedToggle); nav.updateByEntry(e); e.preventDefault(); }); // click/tab clues 'navigation' handler setup clues.delegate('li', 'click', function(e) { mode = 'setting ui'; if (!e.keyCode) { nav.updateByNav(e); } e.preventDefault(); }); // highlight the letter in selected 'light' - better ux than making user highlight letter with second action puzzEl.delegate('#puzzle', 'click', function(e) { $(e.target).focus(); $(e.target).select();`+` }); // DELETE FOR BG puzInit.calcCoords(); // Puzzle clues added to DOM in calcCoords(), so now immediately put mouse focus on first clue clueLiEls = $('#puzzle-clues li'); $('#' + currOri + ' li' ).eq(0).addClass('clues-active').focus(); // DELETE FOR BG puzInit.buildTable(); puzInit.buildEntries(); }, /* - Given beginning coordinates, calculate all coordinates for entries, puts them into entries array - Builds clue markup and puts screen focus on the first one */ calcCoords: function() { /* Calculate all puzzle entry coordinates, put into entries array */ for (var i = 0, p = entryCount; i < p; ++i) { // set up array of coordinates for each problem entries.push(i); entries[i] = []; for (var x=0, j = puzz.data[i].answer.length; x < j; ++x) { entries[i].push(x); coords = puzz.data[i].orientation === 'across' ? "" + puzz.data[i].startx++ + "," + puzz.data[i].starty + "" : "" + puzz.data[i].startx + "," + puzz.data[i].starty++ + "" ; entries[i][x] = coords; } // while we're in here, add clues to DOM! $('#' + puzz.data[i].orientation).append('
    1. ' + puzz.data[i].clue + '
    2. '); } // Calculate rows/cols by finding max coords of each entry, then picking the highest for (var i = 0, p = entryCount; i < p; ++i) { for (var x=0; x < entries[i].length; x++) { cols.push(entries[i][x].split(',')[0]); rows.push(entries[i][x].split(',')[1]); }; } rows = Math.max.apply(Math, rows) + ""; cols = Math.max.apply(Math, cols) + ""; }, /* Build the table markup - adds [data-coords] to each "); for (var x=1; x <= cols; ++x) { tbl.push(''); }; tbl.push(""); }; tbl.push("
      cell */ buildTable: function() { for (var i=1; i <= rows; ++i) { tbl.push("
      "); puzzEl.append(tbl.join('')); }, /* Builds entries into table - Adds entry class(es) to cells - Adds tabindexes to */ buildEntries: function() { var puzzCells = $('#puzzle td'), light, $groupedLights, hasOffset = false, positionOffset = entryCount - puzz.data[puzz.data.length-1].position; // diff. between total ENTRIES and highest POSITIONS for (var x=1, p = entryCount; x <= p; ++x) { var letters = puzz.data[x-1].answer.split(''); for (var i=0; i < entries[x-1].length; ++i) { light = $(puzzCells +'[data-coords="' + entries[x-1][i] + '"]'); // check if POSITION property of the entry on current go-round is same as previous. // If so, it means there's an across & down entry for the position. // Therefore you need to subtract the offset when applying the entry class. if(x > 1 ){ if (puzz.data[x-1].position === puzz.data[x-2].position) { hasOffset = true; }; } if($(light).empty()){ $(light) .addClass('entry-' + (hasOffset ? x - positionOffset : x) + ' position-' + (x-1) ) .append(''); } }; }; // Put entry number in first 'light' of each entry, skipping it if already present for (var i=1, p = entryCount; i < p; ++i) { $groupedLights = $('.entry-' + i); if(!$('.entry-' + i +':eq(0) span').length){ $groupedLights.eq(0) .append('' + puzz.data[i].position + ''); } } util.highlightEntry(); util.highlightClue(); $('.active').eq(0).focus(); $('.active').eq(0).select(); }, /* - Checks current entry input group value against answer - If not complete, auto-selects next input for user */ checkAnswer: function(e) { var valToCheck, currVal; util.getActivePositionFromClassGroup($(e.target)); valToCheck = puzz.data[activePosition].answer.toLowerCase(); currVal = $('.position-' + activePosition + ' input') .map(function() { return $(this) .val() .toLowerCase(); }) .get() .join(''); //console.log(currVal + " " + valToCheck); if(valToCheck === currVal){ $('.active') .addClass('done') .removeClass('active'); $('.clues-active').addClass('clue-done'); solved.push(valToCheck); solvedToggle = true; return; } currOri === 'across' ? nav.nextPrevNav(e, 39) : nav.nextPrevNav(e, 40); //z++; //console.log(z); //console.log('checkAnswer() solvedToggle: '+solvedToggle); } }; // end puzInit object var nav = { nextPrevNav: function(e, override) { var len = $actives.length, struck = override ? override : e.which, el = $(e.target), p = el.parent(), ps = el.parents(), selector; util.getActivePositionFromClassGroup(el); util.highlightEntry(); util.highlightClue(); $('.current').removeClass('current'); selector = '.position-' + activePosition + ' input'; //console.log('nextPrevNav activePosition & struck: '+ activePosition + ' '+struck); // move input focus/select to 'next' input switch(struck) { case 39: p .next() .find('input') .addClass('current') .select(); break; case 37: p .prev() .find('input') .addClass('current') .select(); break; case 40: ps .next('tr') .find(selector) .addClass('current') .select(); break; case 38: ps .prev('tr') .find(selector) .addClass('current') .select(); break; default: break; } }, updateByNav: function(e) { var target; $('.clues-active').removeClass('clues-active'); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('.current').removeClass('current'); currIndex = 0; target = e.target; activePosition = $(e.target).data('position'); util.highlightEntry(); util.highlightClue(); $('.active').eq(0).focus(); $('.active').eq(0).select(); $('.active').eq(0).addClass('current'); // store orientation for 'smart' auto-selecting next input currOri = $('.clues-active').parent('ol').prop('id'); activeClueIndex = $(clueLiEls).index(e.target); //console.log('updateByNav() activeClueIndex: '+activeClueIndex); }, // Sets activePosition var and adds active class to current entry updateByEntry: function(e, next) { var classes, next, clue, e1Ori, e2Ori, e1Cell, e2Cell; if(e.keyCode === 9 || next){ // handle tabbing through problems, which keys off clues and requires different handling activeClueIndex = activeClueIndex === clueLiEls.length-1 ? 0 : ++activeClueIndex; $('.clues-active').removeClass('.clues-active'); next = $(clueLiEls[activeClueIndex]); currOri = next.parent().prop('id'); activePosition = $(next).data('position'); // skips over already-solved problems util.getSkips(activeClueIndex); activePosition = $(clueLiEls[activeClueIndex]).data('position'); } else { activeClueIndex = activeClueIndex === clueLiEls.length-1 ? 0 : ++activeClueIndex; util.getActivePositionFromClassGroup(e.target); clue = $(clueLiEls + '[data-position=' + activePosition + ']'); activeClueIndex = $(clueLiEls).index(clue); currOri = clue.parent().prop('id'); } util.highlightEntry(); util.highlightClue(); //$actives.eq(0).addClass('current'); //console.log('nav.updateByEntry() reports activePosition as: '+activePosition); } }; // end nav object var util = { highlightEntry: function() { // this routine needs to be smarter because it doesn't need to fire every time, only // when activePosition changes $actives = $('.active'); $actives.removeClass('active'); $actives = $('.position-' + activePosition + ' input').addClass('active'); $actives.eq(0).focus(); $actives.eq(0).select(); }, highlightClue: function() { var clue; $('.clues-active').removeClass('clues-active'); $(clueLiEls + '[data-position=' + activePosition + ']').addClass('clues-active'); if (mode === 'interacting') { clue = $(clueLiEls + '[data-position=' + activePosition + ']'); activeClueIndex = $(clueLiEls).index(clue); }; }, getClasses: function(light, type) { if (!light.length) return false; var classes = $(light).prop('class').split(' '), classLen = classes.length, positions = []; // pluck out just the position classes for(var i=0; i < classLen; ++i){ if (!classes[i].indexOf(type) ) { positions.push(classes[i]); } } return positions; }, getActivePositionFromClassGroup: function(el){ classes = util.getClasses($(el).parent(), 'position'); if(classes.length > 1){ // get orientation for each reported position e1Ori = $(clueLiEls + '[data-position=' + classes[0].split('-')[1] + ']').parent().prop('id'); e2Ori = $(clueLiEls + '[data-position=' + classes[1].split('-')[1] + ']').parent().prop('id'); // test if clicked input is first in series. If so, and it intersects with // entry of opposite orientation, switch to select this one instead e1Cell = $('.position-' + classes[0].split('-')[1] + ' input').index(el); e2Cell = $('.position-' + classes[1].split('-')[1] + ' input').index(el); if(mode === "setting ui"){ currOri = e1Cell === 0 ? e1Ori : e2Ori; // change orientation if cell clicked was first in a entry of opposite direction } if(e1Ori === currOri){ activePosition = classes[0].split('-')[1]; } else if(e2Ori === currOri){ activePosition = classes[1].split('-')[1]; } } else { activePosition = classes[0].split('-')[1]; } console.log('getActivePositionFromClassGroup activePosition: '+activePosition); }, checkSolved: function(valToCheck) { for (var i=0, s=solved.length; i < s; i++) { if(valToCheck === solved[i]){ return true; } } }, getSkips: function(position) { if ($(clueLiEls[position]).hasClass('clue-done')){ activeClueIndex = position === clueLiEls.length-1 ? 0 : ++activeClueIndex; util.getSkips(activeClueIndex); } else { return false; } } }; // end util object puzInit.init(); }

      Pregunta hecha hace 3 años, 5 meses, 2 días - Por pixelpioneerc4b5

      3 Respuestas:

      • Esto es divertido de resolver. ¿Te refieres a mostrar mensaje cuando toda pregunta ha respondido? Si es así, simplemente puedes crear una variable que guarde cada palabra que haya respondido. Luego, dentro de la comprobación de la funciónAnswer(), compruebe si la palabra total responde igual que la entrada de datos.

        Hice ese código personalizado aquí https://codeshare.io/G81rmE

        Respondida el Dec 21, 2020 a las 03:51 - por codesculptor3f6e

        Votos positivos: 0 | Votos negativos: 0

      • Para mostrar un mensaje de ventana emergente después de completar el crucigrama, puedes agregar una función que se ejecute cuando se cumpla la condición de haber completado el crucigrama. Puedes seguir estos pasos:

        • Después de completar el crucigrama, dentro de la condición donde se verifica si la respuesta es correcta (`if(valToCheck === currVal)`), puedes llamar a una función para mostrar el mensaje de ventana emergente.

        Por ejemplo, podrías agregar lo siguiente después de la línea solvedToggle = true;:

        if(valToCheck === currVal){ 
            solvedToggle = true;
        • Luego, debes definir la función `showPopup()` que mostrará el mensaje de ventana emergente. Puedes agregarla dentro del objeto `util` como una nueva propiedad. Aquí te muestro un ejemplo simple de cómo podrías implementar esta función:
        var util = {
            // Otras funciones del objeto util
            // Función para mostrar el mensaje de ventana emergente
            showPopup: function() {
                alert("¡Felicidades! Has completado el crucigrama.");

        Al hacer esto, una vez que el usuario complete el crucigrama correctamente, se mostrará una ventana emergente con el mensaje de felicitaciones. Recuerda ajustar el mensaje de la ventana emergente según tus necesidades.

        Respondida el Dec 22, 2020 a las 03:49 - por Gpt

        Votos positivos: 0 | Votos negativos: 0

      • html
        // Show a popup message when the crossword is completed
        function showPopup() {
          // Create a new div element for the popup
          var popup = document.createElement("div");
          // Set the popup's class to "popup"
          // Set the popup's text content to the message you want to display
          popup.textContent = "Congratulations! You've completed the crossword!";
          // Add the popup to the DOM
          // Hide the popup after 2 seconds
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 2000);
        // Add an event listener to the crossword's "check answer" button
        document.getElementById("check-answer-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
          // Check if the crossword is complete
          if (isCrosswordComplete()) {
            // Show the popup message

        Respondida el Dec 22, 2020 a las 03:58 - por Gemini

        Votos positivos: 0 | Votos negativos: 0